Welcome! Monday 2/10/2025     12:25 AM  

Welcome to Briar Forest Super Neighborhood!

Please join us for the Briar Forest Super Neighborhood meeting

Tuesday, March 19, 2024 
Heathlake Clubhouse
12010 Carriage Hil Drive, Houston, TX 77077
7:00 - 8:00 pm
Our guests will be:
Officer Timothy Whitaker, Houston Police Department
We Will Talk About FLOCK Cameras!  

Please join us for the Briar Forest Super Neighborhood meeting

Tuesday, February 18th

Walnut Bend Recreation Center
10601 Briar Forest Dr.Houston, TX 77042
6:30 - 8:00 pm
Our guest will be Richard Long
Natural Resource Management Specialist, USACE

Please join us for the Briar Forest Super Neighborhood meeting

Tuesday, January 21st

Heathlake Community Center
12010 Carriage Hill Dr.Houston, TX 77077
6:30 - 8:00 pm

Please join us for the Briar Forest Super Neighborhood meeting

Tuesday, November 19th 

Village Place Community Center
11315 Lakeside Place Dr.Houston, TX 77077
6:30 - 8:00 pm

Please join us for the Briar Forest Super Neighborhood meeting
District G City Council Candidate Forum 

Tuesday, October 15th 
Village Place Community Center
11315 Lakeside Place Dr.Houston, TX 77077
6:30 - 8:00 pm

Super Neighborhood Alliance Mayoral Forum

October 5, 2019

11:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Houston Community College Central Campus

1200 Holman Street

Houston, TX 77004

West Houston Mayoral Forum

September 23, 2019

6:30 – 8:30 PM

West Houston Institute

2811 Hayes Road

Houston, TX 77082

Rep. Lizzie Fletcher Town Hall

September 21, 2019

2:30 – 4:00 PM

West University Elementary School

Please join us for the Briar Forest Super Neighborhood meeting 

Tuesday, September 17th 
The Briarwood School
12207 Whittington Dr.Houston, TX 77077
6:30 - 8:00 pm

The Briar Forest Super Neighborhood Council is in recess until September.  Please join us for our next meeting on Tuesday, September 17th at 6:30PM.

Please join us for the Briar Forest Super Neighborhood meeting 

Tuesday, June 18th 
The Briarwood School
12207 Whittington Dr.Houston, TX 77077
6:00 - 8:00 pm
Join us for our 10th Anniversary Celebration
Election of our Board of Directors



Please join us for the Briar Forest Super Neighborhood meeting 

Tuesday, March 19th 
The Briarwood School
12207 Whittington Dr.Houston, TX 77077
6:15 - 8:00 pm

 Our guest speaker is Adam Beckom, Manager of Planning and Development for the Houston - Galveston Area Council to discuss the 2045 Regional Transportation Plan.

BFSN Needs your input!  Please click the link below to take our short survey!


Please join us for the Briar Forest Super Neighborhood meeting 

Tuesday February 19th 
The Briarwood School
12207 Whittington Dr.Houston, TX 77077
6:15 - 8:00 pm


Our guest speaker is Julia Trimble, President Texas Master Naturalist Gulf Coast Chapter with her presentation: Wildlife in the City - When Two Worlds Collide.


Please join us for the Briar Forest Super Neighborhood meeting 

Tuesday December 18th 
The Walnut Bend Community Center
10601 Briar Forest Dr., Houston, TX 77042
6:15 - 8:00 pm

We will host a holiday reception prior to our meeting with refreshing beverages and light snacks.

Our guest speaker is State District 133 Representative Jim Murphy who will give us a legislative preview.



Please join us for the Briar Forest Super Neighborhood meeting 

Tuesday October 16th 
at The Walnut Bend Community Center

10601 Briar Forest Dr., Houston, TX 77077.  
We will meet 
6:30 - 8:00 pm.  


BFSN will host District  7 candidate Lizzie Fletcher. The program structure is a focus on BFSN recovery from Harvey, flooding mitigation, and enabling and funding improvements for Buffalo Bayou to reduce flooding.  In addition to our speaker we will have security report, Community Leadership interaction and Community Affairs updates.


Please join us for the Briar Forest Super Neighborhood meeting 

Tuesday July 17th 
at The Briarwood School
, 12207 Whittington, Houston, TX 77077.  
We will meet 
6:30 - 8:00 pm.  

Our special speaker, County Judge Ed Emmett, will address the Harris County Flood Control Bond and upcoming August 25 special election.



This will be an opportunity to hear from Judge Emmett about the overall bond program and to express our community perspective on project needs for Buffalo Bayou.  Russ Poppe, Director HCFCD, will also attend.   Our county leadership needs to hear our concerns and understand why  appropriate projects must be included to improve Buffalo Bayou conveyance east of Beltway 8 to reduce flooding in our neighborhoods. 

2018 Trash Bash
Saturday March 24, 2018, 8:00 – 12:00

Come volunteer and help clean like you mean it in Terry Hershey Park along Buffalo Bayou!  This is an spring annual tradition for BFSN and we have a good time!


Individuals are welcome as are groups.  A group registration can be completed on line at: http://www.trashbash.org/group-reservations.html


An individual registration form is needed for every volunteer, in groups or individuals.  Please have each participant complete registration and waiver form in advance.  Bring completed forms to sign-in at site – if you  aggregate your group  this expedites registration.  You may print the Trash Bash registration form or you may use the form accessible at the H-GAC website: http://www.trashbash.org/volunteers.html.



Briar Forest Super Neighborhood is a site sponsor for Terry Hershey.  If you can assist in operating the site we need your help with registration, set up transportation guides and clean up and more.  Our set –up begins at 6:30 am at the pavilion/parking lot at 15332  Memorial, on Langham Creek.  Contact me or Judson Bryant of you can assist – we appreciate it.


Trash Bash details will be discussed at our meeting on Tuesday March 20.  The attached map provides information on the activities    Thank you again for your support.


I look forward to seeing you Saturday March 24



Michael Huffmaster

Please join us for the Briar Forest Super Neighborhood meeting 

Tuesday March 20th 
at The Briarwood School
, 12207 Whittington, Houston, TX 77077.  
We will meet 
6:30 - 8:00 pm.  

Our program features Mary Ann Weber Communications Director Houston Audubon Society who will present Birds of the Bayou and  environs.  


Additionally we address security, get updated on City events with CM Greg Travis, and discuss our community affairs. 


Finally we will discuss the City of Houston Ch 19 draft revision – flood plain regulations.  These revise building elevations, flood pool elevation and we will outline their timing and impact on rebuilding homes in Briar Forest Super Neighborhood.. Chapter 19 revisions will be presented to TTI committee of City Council on March 21 

District G CIP Meeting

Monday, March 19, 2018 
Tallowood Church 555 Tallowood Rd., Houston 77024


Presented by CM Greg Travis, Mayor Sylvester Turner, PWE Director Carol Haddock

Please join us for the Briar Forest Super Neighborhood meeting 

Tuesday February 20th 
at The Briarwood School
, 12207 Whittington, Houston, TX 77077.  
We will meet 
6:30 - 8:00 pm.  

Our February program features Jim Blackburn, environmental attorney and Rice University professor, discussing Houston Post Harvey.  Jim was keynote speaker at a post-Harvey perspective presented at the Chronicle hosted event in December.  Now, Jim has undertaken formation of the Bayou City Initiative to maintain public dialogue and engagement about flooding mitigation and policy.  Jim will share his perspective on how Houston must manage recovery with paucity of federal and state funds as well as our role as citizens in public dialogue as the key to making effective change in policy needed to mitigate flooding.   

Please join us for the Briar Forest Super Neighborhood meeting 


Tuesday January 16 
at The Briarwood School
, 12207 Whittington, Houston, TX 77077.  
We will meet 
6:30 - 8:00 pm.  


Our January program features Jim Blackburn, environmental attorney and Rice University professor, discussing Houston Post Harvey.  Jim was keynote speaker at a post-Harvey perspective presented at the Chronicle hosted event in December.  Now, Jim has undertaken formation of the Bayou City Initiative to maintain public dialogue and engagement about flooding mitigation and policy.  Jim will share his perspective on how Houston must manage recovery with paucity of federal and state funds as well as our role as citizens in public dialogue as the key to making effective change in policy needed to mitigate flooding.   


Please join us for the Briar Forest Super Neighborhood meeting 
Tuesday September 19 
at The Briarwood School
, 12207 Whittington, Houston, TX 77077. 
We will meet 
6:30 - 8:00 pm.  


Our program will cover Hurricane Harvey recovery update, security, community leadership with Representative Jim Murphy & District G CM Greg Travis's Office, and focus on issues related to our community affairs.

2nd Hurricane Harvey Town Hall Presented by
Council Member Greg Travis
District G City Council Member Greg Travis will be presenting another town hall meeting to discuss Hurricane Harvey disaster recovery and resources.
WHERE: The Walnut Bend Recreation Center, 10601 Briar Forest Dr., 77042
WHEN: Thursday, September 14, 6:30 P.M. 
Representatives of the following will attend:
1.       FEMA (*)
2.       Small Business Administration
3.       City of Houston Solid Waste Management Department
4.       City of Houston Public Works & Engineering Department
5.       Houston Health Department
6.       CenterPoint Energy
7.       Houston Police Department
8.       Houston Fire Department
(*) FEMA has been invited.  They were at our town hall meeting last Saturday and we expect them to be there Thursday night, but they have not yet confirmed their attendance.
Please bring your written questions with you (please include your name, address, telephone number and email address so we can get you a response if we are not able to answer your question during the meeting).
We will post all written materials on the District G website soon after the meeting has concluded.


Hurricane Harvey Resources
From the Office of
Representative Jim Murphy


Tuesday - August 15, 2017
6:30 - 8:00 PM
The Briarwood School
12207 Whittington Dr, Houston, TX 77042

Our guest speaker is Dr Bruce Race, University of Houston Professor, who will address causes of flooding in Houston, why we flood where we do and which areas will flood next – a timely topic.  


Our program will cover security, community leadership with District G CM Greg Travis's Office and we will have local reports, and focus on issues related to our community affairs including  Kirkwood Reconstruction update, Super Neighborhood Alliance, Tx Legislative update, Waldemar Park, Walnut Bend, Oaks of Brittany, and Dairy Ashford/new Harvest Moon and Terry Hershey trail repair. 




(Til it gets too HOT or we run out of steam!)

Come out Saturday morning to be a part of the project sponsored by Friends of Francklow Park (if weather allows)


Part of the plan for Francklow Park has been to encourage the growth of native tree and plant species in the park.  A number of non-native or domesticated plants such as Chinese Tallow (Triadica sebifera, native of eastern Asia), Japanese Ligustrum (Ligustrum japonicum, native of Japan, Korea) and Chinese Privet (Ligustrum sinese, native of China) among others are evident in the park.  These plants with their hardy, aggressive growth shade, out compete and displace the native species.  The objective of the project is to remove these invasives from the park over time.

Come out Saturday and be a part of the project.

(This is NOT a suitable project for young children.)

BRING:                Pruning saws, heavy duty loppers

WEAR:                  Gloves, long sleeves, sun protection

Questions? email Greg at mdaniell@sbcglobal.net

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